Sunday 28 July 2013

Fake it to make it...

This is one of my favourite talks from TED ever.
It starts out with some interesting facts about the impact of your body language on how you act; real scientifically measured results showing you what you can do to act with more confidence. This is science making a real positive impact.
However the talk is far more than just the story of how you can fool your body to produce "performance enhancing" hormones. No, it is an emotional story of someone who, after a random accident, fought to re-build her very identity...make sure you watch the last five minutes...

Public Access to a Telescope on the Moon...

I love the ambition of some startups!..  Take Moon Express for example.
"We Make Lunar Landers" says their website proudly.  I truly hope that they are successful.  In this age where our money goes (through government decisions) to fight wars rather than on expanding mankind's knowledge, we need these lean start-ups to get the most "bang for their buck" in their endeavours.

New Scientist reports this week that Moon Express, in conjunction with the International Lunar Observatory Association, intend to land a telescope on the moon by 2016.  The telescope will be open to the public to operate via the internet.

Public access to a lunar telescope!!!  Percival Lowell would be both overjoyed and amazed at the very thought.